In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind

Finding your passion does not come from a predetermined list of questions, mastering a talent, or having a lot of experience with something. Passion comes from within, and to find it, you have to pay attention to what sets your soul on fire. What kind of things make your eyes light up when you speak? What do you find yourself doing when you should be studying, doing homework, or doing chores? Passion is about courage, joy, and purpose.

I have picked two potential topics for my passion blog, and I'm hoping we can work together to make this decision.

I am passionate about improving the lives of others, and I want to make a conscious effort to do so. My first idea for my passion blog is a blog about random acts of kindness. It would be called Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today. For this blog, I would make an example of myself by actively completing random acts of kindness. A random act of kindness blog acts as an example of leadership. My hope would be to inspire all of you to follow my lead and spread random acts of kindness throughout your communities and mine.

My first post would be a type of brainstorm. In the first week of posting, I would want to collect my ideas of different acts of kindness I could complete and start planning on how to successfully accomplish these goals. I would also appreciate suggestions from my audience.

In the subsequent weeks, I would focus on a singular act of kindness each week, and my blog would focus on the experience. I would share the emotional background of the act of kindness from my perspective and from the perspective of the receiver.

I would also be interested to hear about the random acts of kindness that all of you participate in throughout the week. Each week, I would be willing to adapt my blog to accommodate the acts of kindness that all of you would like to see.

Random acts of kindness are focused on the little things that we may take for granted in life, and I want to make the world a better place by starting from the bottom and working my way to the top.

Photo by Fergus Macdonald 

I am also passionate about making the world a better place through my professional life. My second idea for my passion blog is a blog about the life of a woman in engineering. It would be called Raising the Power of Eighteen Percent or The Future is Female. It's important to note that only eighteen percent of engineering students are women. Within a women in engineering blog, I would like to talk about my first experiences as a woman entering college in the field of engineering.

My first post would be about my experiences leading up to college and would act as an introduction. I would talk about picking my major and deciding on a college.

My second post would include details about my first women in engineering experiences on campus. I attended a conference with Penn State's Women in Engineering Program, and I would like to share details about my days leading up to the first day of class at Penn State.

My subsequent posts would include details about my classes and the engineering organizations I am involved in like the Women in Engineering Program, Society of Women Engineers, and Leadership in Freshman Engineering.

To make this blog interesting for those of you who are not women in engineering, I will be including a lot of information about overcoming adversity and working toward equality. Diversity is important to a richer life experience by overcoming discrimination.

My goal is to inspire young women to become engineers and to encourage others to break down the borders within underrepresented fields of study. My hope is to make young woman feel welcome to engineering and welcome to the Penn State community.

Some of Penn State's newest Women in Engineering Program members

Let me know what you think, and hopefully I will be able to pick the most interesting blog topic!


  1. I think both ideas are intriguing, but I would rather hear about random acts of kindness. If you did this blog topic it would allow for a lighter tone. The topic also has the ability to bring out stronger emotion and even make me smile. I think overall it would be a more enjoyable and engaging blog.

  2. There definitely needs to be more kindness in the world, no matter how small or unexpected. The idea is wonderful. Not only will you make people's day better, but you are also building your own character.
    On more of a formatting note: I think everything is a wee bit small, both the text and the pictures. there's also a lot of empty space on the sides of the posting area that could be filled.

  3. I love both of your ideas, but I think my favorite would be your "Be the Reason" blog. I personally think that posting random acts of kindness would not only be an amazing thing to do individually, but it would also give all of your readers the opportunity to see what kind of an impact they can truly have on their peers and their community, even if their impact starts out small. I would love to see your random acts of kindness blog burst into action, and even better yet, I would love to see your blog start a chain reaction amongst the 40,000 students here at Penn State!

  4. After reading both ideas I agree with everybody else that you should definitely do the kindness blog. Overall, I think it is something that both you and the reader will enjoy more of. I can't wait to see what you come up with and how it will affect others!


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